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Andrea Pinkston
Andrea Pinkston is the founder of YesFreeMoney.com, a retired nurse with decades of experience in human services, and a successful entrepreneur who built and sold a website generating over $1 million in net sales within four years. With a passion for helping others and a knack for creative problem-solving, Andrea writes about a variety of topics, including love, mental health, education, saving money, and making money—all for free. Her mission is to empower people to thrive in every area of life without breaking the bank. When she’s not writing or researching, Andrea enjoys gardening, spending time with her husband, and spoiling her grandkids. Explore Andrea’s articles on love, mental health, education, saving money, and more to start living your best life today!
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Make money online free with these 20 legit ways that pay in 2025! From cashback apps and...
Dreaming of a career that lets you work from anywhere? Remote jobs and work-from-home jobs are your...
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Who says you can’t have it all? Imagine finding love and money for free. Sounds too good...
Struggling with stress or anxiety? You don’t need to spend a dime to find help. At YesFreeMoney.com,...
Financial stress doesn’t have to control your life. At YesFreeMoney.com, we’ve gathered the best free tools, tips,...
Looking for ways to increase your credit score fast? This comprehensive guide reveals 30 free and effective...
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Free money is within reach this spring! Discover 100+ free offers to save big, from cash-back deals...